Coastal Maine
Global Health
About Us
Welcome to the Coastal Maine Global Health Fellowship. We are an innovative training program for emergency medicine physicians that couples the experience of rural emergency medicine in mid-coast Maine with the needs of global emergency care along the Thailand-Burma border through our affiliation with the Mae Tao Clinic.
Currently, there are 34 global health fellowships in emergency medicine in the United States. The vast majority of them are housed within academic departments at tertiary academic medical centers. These institutions are able to provide personnel, resources, and educational modules to their partner institutions across the world through grant mechanisms.
At the same time, these collaborations often suffer from a mismatch of pathology, hospital size, and clinical care pathways that leads to sub-optimal knowledge transfer and care when Western tertiary care is applied to low-and-middle income settings.
The CMGHF is able to leverage the strengths of a regional model of care by coupling the clinical practice of emergency medicine of a high-functioning rural emergency department in Maine with the volume, flow, and pathology of a critical access hospital along the Thai-Burma border.
The fellowship begins with a clinical period at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport, Maine. Pen Bay is a community hospital with a broad catchment area stretching across three coastal counties in mid-coast Maine with varied geography and population densities. The hospital is staffed by a multi-specialty group including dedicated emergency providers, neurologists, cardiologists, general surgeons, obstetricians, and orthopedists. It retains a close-knit cadre of physicians committed to stabilizing emergencies of all types.
The second phase of the fellowship occurs at the Mae Tao Clinic, located along the Thai-Burma border in Mae Sot, Thailand. The Mae Tao Clinic is a critical access hospital for Burmese refugees and migrant workers.
From the Mae Tao Clinic Website:
Mae Tao Clinic Mission Statement:
MTC is a community-based organisation (CBO) that provides and advocates for an equitable and essential health system, education and protection for vulnerable and displaced people living in the Thai-Burma border area and Eastern Burma. MTC addresses the needs and human rights of these people through comprehensive programs and a collaborative approach with local, national, international and government bodies.
In 1989 Dr. Cynthia Maung and a small group of students opened a makeshift medical clinic on the outskirts of Mae Sot, Thailand. Since that time, the Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) has grown into a comprehensive community health centre and a hub for regional health training, with more than 3,000 graduates serving clinics, schools, villages, factories, camps and peri-urban slums along both sides of the Thai-Burma border. The clinic’s health services have to cope with both acute and chronic medical problems. Staff members treat almost everything from minor maladies to non-/communicable diseases to chronic diseases. MTC is now embarking on a 3-year project to develop a comprehensive emergency care unit (ECU).

Fellowship Structure

We currently have an opportunity for fellows to provide clinical care as Attending Physicians in the Emergency Department at Penobscot Bay Medical Center. This is a particularly busy community emergency department located on the beautiful coast of Maine. The Pen Bay ED allows fellows to practice emergency medicine to the full scope of their training.
The fellow will be provided with housing in Rockport for the duration of their work at Pen Bay.
If interested, there are opportunities to develop short-term observerships in obstetrics, anesthesia, neurology, general surgery, and orthopedics.
We are also working on creating an advanced ECHO training program during the beginning of the fellowship in Maine.

The Mae Tao Clinic team is embarking on a three-year project to develop a comprehensive Emergency Care Unit (ECU). The MTC administration and affiliated physicians have created an ECU development plan highlighting four key areas: processes, infrastructure, knowledge/skills, and staffing.
The CMGHF fellow will collaborate with MTC staff on developing and implementing emergency care educational training programs, triage system implementation, emergency care treatment protocols/guidelines, trauma protocols, ultrasound training, and design/layout of the ECU physical space.
Additionally, the fellow will spend clinical time in all areas of the clinic, including the adult and pediatric inpatient departments (IPD), adult and pediatric outpatient departments (OPD), and surgical IPD. The fellow will also work alongside the MTC radiology team performing ultrasounds (including utilizing the Butterfly Ultrasound iQ+ given to all fellows, along with the possibility of joining Butterfly's Global Health Program. Once the ECU is open, the fellow will spend most of their clinical time in the ECU; however, they will continue to collaborate with IPD staff reviewing interesting and complicated cases.
The fellow will also have the opportunity to continue ultrasound educational programming. The MTC Echocardiogram (ECHO) course and Emergency Ultrasound Course are a collaboration between MTC and the Coastal Maine Global Health Fellowship, with support from Core Ultrasound. It is intended for MTC ECU and clinical staff including physician consultants and medics. The course is designed to provide a foundation in point-of-care (POC) knowledge and skills to assist in real-time clinical decisions. There are opportunities to expand the ultrasound curriculum and to continue our programs sustainability by training additional MTC staff to become ultrasound instructors.
July & August (2 mos.)
September to December (4 mos.)
January to May (5 mos.)
June to August (3 mos.)


Program Faculty


Attending Physician
Emergency Medicine
Fellowship Director
Attending Physician
Emergency Medicine
Attending Physician
Emergency Medicine
Attending Physician
Emergency Medicine
To Apply
Please forward a letter of interest accompanied by your CV to the Fellowship Director by November 1.
A request for letters of reference will follow once your application meets our initial selection criteria.
Rohith R. Malya MD MSc FAAEM
Fellowship Director, CMGHF